Scout Meeting, 29th August 2009

The following blog was written by Akela

Scout Meeting, 29th August 2009.

After the tiring but fun hike last week on Pulau Ubin, the Cubs were happy to be back in school for a 'normal' Scout meeting.

After the usual flag break, Akela told all Cubs that wanted them to get the Bronze Arrow badge as soon as possible, as there were just too few holders of this badge. For 2nd and 3rd year Cubs, he told them that they should have earned this badge by now. He then went through the requirements of the badge, and encouraged the Cubs to start working on them.

Bagheera then took over and taught the Cubs basic first aid - starting with the 3 Golden Rules, and why first aid is important. He then taught the Cubs how to tie an armsling and a head bandage, all using the Cubs' scarf. The Cubs had fun practising on one another, and showing off their handiwork. Some bandages were more a fashion statement than the function for which they were intended to serve!

Akela then returned the scout logs. He was very pleased with the quality of the logs, and he commented that the Cubs had been very creative, and put in a great deal of effort in doing up the logs, so much so that he awarded first place (30 points) to 3 Sixes - Wallaby, Kookaburra and Possum. He reserved his best praises for Emu, which he awarded 50 points. Emu's log was done by Jeremy Tan, who wrote a wonderful account of the hike, full of insights and personal feelings. Well done Jeremy! Akela encouraged all Cubs to follow the standard set by Jeremy.

Next was games time, which is the favourite part of every meeting. Akela filled up several balloons and let them loose over the heads of the Cubs who were seated in Indian file. The Cubs were to hit the balloons and keep them in the air as long as possible without bursting them. To add a bit of weight to the balloon, Akela had added some water, and when a balloon burst, water would splash on the one who burst the balloon. After he had released the first balloon, Akela told the Cubs that he had filled all the balloons up with leaky dirty toilet water - that had everyone squealing, and squirming away to avoid being splashed with the tainted water! Some didn't believe Akela and went ahead to hit the balloon, others avoided it like the plague. After 6 burst balloons, Akela asked the Cubs to form 4 groups in a square to play 'dog & bone' - the bone being balloons placed in the centre to be burst by Cubs who would be called out by number. Everyone had a chance to dash out to burst the balloons with any part of their body, when their number was called. Bagheera and Grey Wolf had a busy time replenishing the burst balloons. The Cubs were really competitive, and chased the balloons all over in their attempts to burst the balloons - one point for each burst balloon. Team 4 proved to be the best at bursting balloons with the highest number of points. It was exhausting but really fun!

The meeting then ended with the usual Sunset Party, followed by Sixers' Council for the Sixers. No meeting for the next 2 weeks due to the school holiday break, but on 5th September, there would be a briefing for parents of Cubs interested to take part in the year end trip.
