Treasure Hunt@Botanical Garden, 20th April 2013

Written by: Justin Kong, Senior Sixer and Scribe Leader

We gathered very early in school today for our first outdoor activity of the year! We are going to the Singapore Botanical Garden for a treasure hunt. Everyone especially the new cubs were very excited and could not wait to board the bus!

Upon arrival, we lined up in Indian files. Akela explained the rules of the treasure hunt and told us that each six will be given 2 identical worksheets filled with questions about the garden. We were given 1.5 hours to answer as many question in the worksheets and points will be allocated accordingly. 

There will be adult leaders patrolling the garden to ensure that we follow the rules given and points will be deducted if anyone found breaking the rules. 

All sixes dashed off at the sound of "GO" from Akela. Some sixes decided to plan before going to places, others approach the information counter to gather information and some just dashed off without knowing where to go... EXCITEMENT WAS IN THE AIR!!!

After the treasure hunt while the adult leaders were marking the worksheets and tallying the points, each six gathered around for their own picnic. Cubs were seen sharing the food prepared by their parents. 

Akela then announced the result. Most six did pretty well for the treasure hunt. Well done to all...

Soon, it was time for us to pack up. We bid farewell to Botanical Garden as we boarded the bus heading back to school.

We had so much fun. We looked forward to our next outdoor activity!
Akela giving instructions...

Where should we go??
Is this the way?

Let's see... maybe we should go to...
Excuse me, we need some help...
Sixer, what's next?
We are tired!!
I think we did well!
Picnic Time!!
