Road Safety Activities, 21st September 2013

Written by: Claudia Kong, Sixer & Scribe

After the 2 weeks break, many cubs arrived early and greeted each other happily. Having worked on their progress and proficiency badges during the September holiday, some cubs also came early to be tested. This week more than 5 Bronze Arrows and a few proficiency badges were given out!

After all the usual formalities…

Kaa announced that we were going to learn about Road Safety in today’s scout meeting. He told us that he had planned many exciting activities for us and points will be awarded to our Six.

The first activity of the day was, within the given time, as a Six in our Sixer’s corner, we have to list down as many traffic rules as possible. All Six quickly sprung into action and almost all came out with a long list of traffic rules!

Next, Sixer had to choose one of the traffic rules from the list prepared by their own Six and put up a short skit. I must say there are many good actors and actresses among us!

After the performances, Kaa once again broke us into our Six for us to prepare a Road Safety poster. It is heartwarming to see that all Six worked well together coming out with the poster.

Finally, Kaa gathered us, gave us a summary of what we learnt today. He also encouraged all of us to work towards achieving our Road Safety proficiency badge.

Just before the Senior Sixers blew the whistle for dismissal, Kaa gave out the scout log and consent form for our night hike.
