Footdrills & Knots, 12th July 2014

Written by: Janice Koong, Assistant Senior Sixer & Scribe

At 9 this morning, Lucas and I blew our whistles. We quickly called for Horseshoe and thereafter, Indian File. This was the 2nd last meeting for P6 cubs, including me, as we would be stepping down the following week to study for PSLE.

Baloo told the Sixers to get into Sixers’ Corner and check their cubs’ uniforms and foot drills. Some of the cubs did not wear their belts and some did not have their caps. After 45 minutes, all the cubs were called back into Indian File. Baloo called each six out one by one as he wanted to see which six had the best foot drills.

Subsequently, we did knotting. We were tasked to tie four wooden sticks into the shape of a square using only the Japanese square lash. This was difficult for some sixes as many could only remember the traditional square lash.  Soon, Baloo gathered all the sixes once again and checked their lashes.

After that, it was time for a simple game that called for concentration and teamwork. The main aim of the game was to balance a tennis ball in the middle of two wooden sticks. Our hands had to be steady and our minds had to stay focused. Any form of distraction would cause the ball to fall off the sticks and drop. The sixes competed to be the first six to get the ball to the other side of the KidZone. The fastest 3 sixes would earn points.

Before dismissal, Raksha have out proficiency badges, including the Camper Badge to those who attended the recent Sixers’ Training Camp 2014.

I look forward to the next week’s meeting and Handover Ceremony with mixed feelings. While I am somewhat glad and relieved that I no longer have to stand in front of the pack and yell commands, I will surely miss scout meetings and activities. Sigh… PSLE beckons….

Start of another awesome scout meeting

Footdrills... Footdrills....

Let's concentrate!

Slow & Steady... Slow & Steady! 

Mdm Kerina returning scout logs...
