Sixers Training Camp - Day 2, 6th July 2014

It was dark when Michelle and Joanna had to peel themselves from the comfort of their bunks to prepare an early morning meal for one of our Cubs, Ahmad Sidek, to partake in his breaking fast. It was the month of Ramadan, and all Muslims were encouraged to fast from sunrise to sunset.

The remaining pack started stirring up around 5 am! Wake up was at 6am, followed by washing uo and morning exercise.
Eagle Scouts had an ingenious way to work the Cubs physically. They played a game of catch around the Flag pole.

Baloo gathered all the Cubs for a quick Flag Raising ceremony before breakfast.

Inspection - the dreaded word at all Training Camps, followed. Eagle Scouts assisted and guided the Cubs, some of whom had no idea what to do! It was, as usual, a messy affair, with some layouts looking like a war zone! Eventually, all Cubs managed to reasonably lay out their clothes.

Baloo walked the Service Scouts through some Scout songs, and assigned the Campfire Leader, Lucas, to lead the campfire tonight. Evan would be assisting. There was a heavy downpour then, but the tents withstood the heavy rain and strong winds.

Cubs rehearsed the songs, with the Service Scouts leading them. Afterall, they, the Service Scouts, would be leading the campfire.

Foot drill followed for some, while each Six took turns to practise their dance with Madam Kerina, who ahd choreographed 3 dances, going through the 60s, 70s and 80s.

When the rain subsided, Self Reliance Individual Challenge started, with 3 stations.
